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深圳安防集团股份有限公司(简称深安集团)是在中华人民共和国香港特别行政区注册的大型安防企业集团股份制外向型民营企业集团,产品90%出口。旗下有数十个各类配套生产 工厂、车间。在有线/无线防盗报警系统、联网报警系统、安保通视频联网报警、监控摄象系统、可视对讲系统等,安防行业的各个领域有多年的生产经营经验,同时深安集团是中国大型通 讯运营商在安防领域拓展增值业务的强大的战略合作伙伴,就中国大型通讯运营商在安防领域拓展增值业务这个领域内,深安集团目前占有了这个行业90%的份额。
作为中国大型的安防与视频的联网报警系统生产基地之一,我们拥有严格的管理体系,先进的生产设备,专业的生产人员,庞大的研发队伍,使深安集团快速走在中国安防行业的前 沿。公司已经获得CCC, CE, FCC,UL,ISO9001等国际认证,迄今为止,我们的产品已经畅销世界107个国家和地区。同时我们在EM/ODM合作基础上为海外客户完成了32项造价100万美元以上的 安防工程,为中南海、博鳌论坛外围、承德避暑山庄、大亚湾核电站大型小区、长河油田小区等重点单位配套安装了防盗、监控、对讲、无线通讯等系统。
深安集团致力于与客户建立长久的合作关系,所以长期以来在安防产业享有很高声誉。我们坚信: 企业的成功来源于高品质的产品和客户的信赖。我们的目标是为全世界的人们提供 和谐安定的生活环境。
With over 20 years of experience in line of wire/wireless alarm system, surveillance system and two-way speaking video and vision system, Shenzhen Security Group Co., Ltd. has become the biggest manufacturer of safe and security products in China. The Group is consist of Shenzhen Weierying Electron Co.,Ltd, Shenzhen Jinhuicong Technology Co., Ltd and Shenzhen Jinfuxing Co., Ltd.
As the biggest manufacturing base of safe and security products, our plant covers 83400 square kilometers and workers are up to 6300. Due to the strict management, advanced devices, effective production flute and professional staff, Shenzhen Security Group Co., Ltd has obtained the authentication of CCC, CE, FCC and UL. So far, our products have been well marketed in 107 countries and we have successfully developed 32 projects for oversea customers on the basis of OEM and ODM service.
Since we count on long-standing business relationships Shenzhen Security Group Co., Ltd. deserves good reputation on quality and service in the long term. We believe in that the success of an enterprise results from the products of high quality and the trust from customers. Our aim is to create a harmonious and safe environment for people all over the world.